Recognizing violence, abuse and neglect

Violent behavior by a person towards another can include abusive behavior that is physical, sexual, intimidating and forceful. People with a disability are more likely to experience violence from a carer or family member. The Victorian Family Violence
Protection Act 2008 defines family violence as:
(a) behavior by a person towards a family member of that person if that behavior is:
physically or sexually abusive, emotionally or psychologically abusive, threatening and coercive behavior in any other way to control or dominate the family member and causes that family member to feel fear for the safety or wellbeing of that family member or another person.

(b) Behavior by a person that causes a child to hear or witness, or otherwise be exposed to the effects of, behavior referred to above.
The most commonly reported forms of violence experienced by women with a disability are psychological, physical, sexual abuse, controlling behavior and economic abuse.
Abuse is when the actions of someone violates your human rights. Abuse can be physical, mental, psychological, sexual or even financial.
Neglect is the failure by a service provider or a person caring for you to provide adequate care to you.

Types of neglect include:
Physical neglect – failure to provide adequate food, shelter, clothing and protection. Supervision medical or dental care that places you at undue risk through unsafe environments or practices.
Passive neglect – withholding or failure to provide the necessities of life
Willful deprivation – willfully denying your assistance and thereby exposing you to the risk of physical, mental or emotional harm
Emotional neglect – restricting your social, intellectual and emotional growth or wellbeing

Violence involves physical force being used to hurt, damage or kill someone.
All of these actions are in conflict with your basic human rights. None are acceptable. If you or anyone you know is experiencing violence, abuse or neglect there is help available.

Where to go for help

There are services that can help if you are experiencing (or have experienced) violence,
abuse or neglect.

Safe Steps
provides a 24 hour family violence response to women and children through a range of
support services including safe house and refuge accommodation, outreach services,
information and advocacy. Call Safe Steps on 1800 015 188 24
hours 7 days per week.

Sexual Assault Crisis Line
The Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria
(SACL) is a state-wide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for
victims and survivors of both past and recent sexual assault. This service can provide
support, legal and medical advice as well as advocacy with service providers and other
medical professionals. Call the Sexual Assault Crisis line on 1800 806 292
Victorian Centres against Sexual Assault (CASA)
Victorian CASA Forum
is the peak body of the 15 Centres Against Sexual Assault and the Victorian Sexual
Assault Crisis Line. The website has a wide range of resources and information about
sexual assault translated into languages other than English. It also has information about
support groups.

The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline

is a telephone service for reporting cases of neglect and abuse of people with a disability.
The hotline works with callers to find the best ways of dealing with the issues they report
and will usually refer you to an appropriate service. Call the hotline on 1800 880 052
1800 Respect

is a 24-hour information, counselling and support line for anyone experiencing or seeking
to support someone experiencing sexual assault or violence.
Victoria Legal Aid
Victoria Legal Aid

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